Donnerstag, 18. August 2011

Combining PV and Green Roofs

In Europe there are many manufactures with PV and green roof solutions. I also like to mention Optigreen AG - probably the larges green roof manufacturer in the world -for sure the most flexible system in each regard. I did my first Green roof- PV project in 1995 Zeppelin Carré Stuttgart.

My company is an American company but I am still involved in projects in Germany or featuring German projects from the past or ongoing. Last Friday I visited the construction of the largest green roof and PV combination project in the world. This 75,000 sft PV Green roof combination is in Stuttgart Germany, will produce energy for 250 four person house holds and -as said still- under construction. However the entire development of this new fair ground as the forth largest PV park in the world mounted on roofs. There are endless green roofs and PVs. With Roof mounted PVs Germany has nearly 20 projects under the largest 30 in the world and has the leadership in the world.

See a 2009 rendering of the Green roof PV project and expect more information.
- Jörg Breuning welcomes people who want to learn from decades of green roof experience -

Nest, Breed and Survive Opportunities for Insects on Green Roofs

Germany, the City of Stuttgart started in the 80’s with a program to install green roofs on the school buildings, kindergartens and other city owned buildings. They were pushing the envelope to create a market where the City finally is able to require green roofs (by law) by acting as a role model for green roof installations. I was lucky to get the contract for millions of square feet of green roofs. Most projects were “extensive” / low maintenance green roofs and today they are still working perfectly. The main goal for the green roof installation was extending the lifespan of the waterproofing and the - big #1 benefit - storm-water retention. Until today they didn’t re-roofed or fixed any building and most of them are now over 20 years old. Energy saving isn’t a topic since by law it is required having at least ½ foot of high density insulation – a green roof never can beat that.
Green Roof Technology was pushed by the City of Stuttgart in the 80’s on schools and Kindergartens, it is still ongoing and beside all other benefits it actually helps to educate the kids about our environment. Green roof are one piece in the puzzle of environmental education.
Successful and sustainable education starts with our kids and continues with teaching the technology and required quality in advanced job training programs over minimum 2 years.

United States of America, 10 years ago nobody was even thinking that roofs might reduce or eliminate man-made environmental problems. Flats roof were just an endless profit machine for the roofing industry through fixing poor craftsmanship, lousy roofing materials or to sell roof warranties with “sacrificing companies” which only last 4 or 5 years but the warranty is worth 30 years. I saw all that and it is still ongoing….. It seems the American client is a money tree which needs to be harvested as soon as possible. Roofs (and green technology in general) can only get smart when people getting smarter and rethink about their responsibility for other people and - for sure - for their clients. Smart is, when things sustain, done with passion, simple, senseful and with knowledge based experience. Going from there a better environment will come for free. The US doesn’t need talkers who worked two days ago as a car dealer, yesterday as real estate agent and tomorrow as a roofer with unknown and suspicious experience – just for the big bucks.
It might be time to educate the teachers first how to teach the kids being responsible, respectful and environmental conscious. Getting a true leader in green technology takes time and a sustainable sourced of knowledge.
